Month: July 2023

Gulf State Park Interpretive Center and Trails Win at AIA Birmingham Design Awards

We are proud to announce that ArchitectureWorks received two awards at the 2023 AIA Birmingham Design Awards! The Gulf State Park Interpretive Center received an Honor Award, the highest level of recognition, and the Gulf State Park Hike and Bike Trails received a Citation Award.

The jury remarked on the Interpretive Center, “From siting, materials, programming and circulation, this project was thoughtful throughout. We loved the care for detail and emphasis on minimizing the building’s impact. The entire project felt like it had a level of care – for the surrounding environment, for the occupants, and for the details and the design.”

The jury stated regarding the Hike and Bike Trails, “The geographic macro scale was well managed with connectivity while the micro scale is simultaneously engaging at the individual visitor scale. We especially loved the Pause Places for their brilliant simplicity. They are built in a way that focuses on celebrating the surrounding beauty. In a continuously urbanizing world, this project stands out as a way to appropriately engage with nature and provide a positive impact to protected lands.”